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The only LFT guide you’ll ever need

Image credit: Riot Games

We’re now well into the VALORANT Premier Open Beta enrollment period with only 2 days remaining to find a squad. If you’re looking for a team to play with in Premier, Gankster can help.

First thing’s first, you’ll want to create an account on Gankster by signing up and connecting your Riot account. Then, head over to our “Looking For Team” (LFT) page and post what makes you unique as a player and find a team. 


The best LFT post will have 3 parts

    • Basics – What everyone needs to know when considering you for their team
    • Advanced –  What sets you apart from other players and is unique about you
    • Extra – Is there anything else that you want to share this is the place

The Basics

without this information the team doesn’t know how to consider you for the team. These basics include: Rank, Region and Availability.

  • Rank: This is the most important factor that other players will look at when deciding whether to team up with you or not. Your rank shows your skill level and your progress in the game. You should be honest about your rank and not exaggerate it.


  • Position: This is the role that you prefer to play in the game, such as duelist, controller, initiator, or sentinel. Your position shows your playstyle and your strengths and weaknesses. You should be clear about your position and not try to play something that you are not comfortable with or good at, as this will affect your performance and your team’s synergy.


  • Region: This is the geographical area that you play in, such as North America, Europe, Asia, LATAM, etc. Choose a region that is close to your location and has a good server quality to avoid ping and communication issues.


  • Availability: This is the time that you are able to play the game, such as weekdays, weekends, mornings, evenings, etc. Your availability shows your commitment and your flexibility. Be realistic about your availability and not promise something that you cannot deliver, and make sure to respect your teammates’ availability as well.


The Advanced

You need to include some additional information that will make your post more appealing and personalized. These are:

  • Language: This is the language that you speak and understand in the game, such as English, Spanish, French, etc. Your language shows your communication skills and your compatibility with other players. You should be fluent in the language that you choose and not use any slang or abbreviations that might confuse others. You should also be respectful of other languages and cultures and prefer not to use any offensive or inappropriate words or expressions.


  • Agents you usually play with: This is a list of the agents that you are familiar with and enjoy playing with in the game, such as Jett, Sage, Sova, etc. Your agents show your versatility and your preference in the game. While Agent mastery is important, we recommend you be open-minded and willing to try new agents if your team needs you to flex.


  • Personalized message: This is a short introduction of yourself and your goals in the game, such as why you are looking for a team, what kind of team you are looking for, what are your strengths and weaknesses, what are your expectations and preferences. Show off your personality and attitude, and make sure to be be friendly and positive in your message. But be specific and concise here—no need to give your whole life story.

The Extra

You need to include some evidence of your experience and skill in the game. These are:

  • Screenshots or videos of your gameplay: These are visual proofs of your rank, position, agents, etc. They show your actual performance and achievements in the game. You should choose screenshots or videos that are recent and relevant to your post and not use any old or unrelated ones.


  • Link to your social media profile: These are online platforms where you can showcase your personality and interact with other players. They show your social presence and engagement in the game community. You should use social media profiles or accounts that are related to Valorant and not use any personal or private ones. You should also update your profiles or accounts regularly and not leave them inactive or outdated.


  • Experience: This section highlights your experience in esports and competitive gaming. It includes details such as the esports teams you’ve been a part of, the tournaments or leagues you’ve participated in, your achievements, and any relevant roles or positions you’ve held. Your professional experience showcases your dedication and skill in the game, as well as your potential as a valuable member of a team. You should be honest and specific about your experience, highlighting any notable achievements or performances. It’s also important to emphasize any skills or qualities you’ve developed through your professional experience that would make you an asset to a team.

Here is an example of an LFG that you can use:

Riot Name
: YourName#1234
Region: Europe
Rank: Diamond 3
Position: Sentinel
Agents: Cypher, Killjoy, Sage
Availability: Flexible, can play on weekdays and weekends, mostly in the evenings.
Language: Fluent in English and Spanish.
Experiences: Played in a couple of local tournaments and scrims with various teams, including one that reached the quarter-finals.
Skills: Strong game sense, good communication skills, anchor player.

About Me: I am a dedicated and disciplined player looking for a serious team that values teamwork and communication. I enjoy playing sentinel and providing support to my team, but I can also play other roles if needed. I am always looking to improve and learn from others. I like to watch VODs of professional matches to analyze different strategies and tactics. I am also comfortable with playing in high-pressure situations and making quick decisions under stress. Let’s team up and climb the ranks together!



By following these tips, you will be able to write a good post for social media when looking for a VALORANT team. Remember to be honest, clear, friendly, positive, open-minded, respectful, realistic, specific, concise, versatile, aware, credible, social, and engaged in your post. Good luck! 🍀
